[LANGUAGE! Live] Very much gets to the comprehension, gets to making connections between the text, other text they have read, and their experiences.
Dr. Laurel A., Chief Academic Officer—Assistant Superintendent, LANGUAGE! Live
When you’re teaching reading, it makes sense to work through context, thus increasing vocabulary and knowledge of the world. That’s a must. With the updated Voyager Passport, we’re extremely pleased to see ‘Adventure Starters’ expanded to standalone lessons, with hooks for students around text.
Janet S., Ed.S., Supervisor of Reading and Language Arts, K-5, Voyager Passport
[Regarding Janice, a student using LANGUAGE! Live] When she [Janice] walked into the room for the first time, you could just see she was so defeated, and eventually, there was a huge shift. We just took our last benchmark last week and her Lexile grew over 300 points and she is going to be testing out of the program. I could tell that she was proud of herself and that she was happy that she bought into and that she trusted the program.
Karessa C., Educator, LANGUAGE! Live
[Regarding TransMath] Does the student have the skills to attack grade-level content? I can say without a doubt, “Yes. They continue to show growth. They are moving along with the curriculum. They will be ready for high school credit algebra.
Christine B., Special Education, TransMath
We’ve had a lot of success [with Vmath] with the four schools. They’ve made great progress with all of their scores, from each grade level, second through fifth grade, so we decided to further this with all of our schools. We are putting it now in 20 schools for next year, our elementary schools and one of our middle schools as well.
Jennifer E., Exceptional Children Program Specialist, Vmath
[Regarding TransMath] I have one mom who tells me all the time, “My son never liked math until he was in your math class."
Jennifer L., Special Education Teacher, TransMath
This program [LANGUAGE! Live] is life changing, and it’s generational. It affects that child, then their children, then their children’s children. It’s all about breaking that cycle … so they can advance in their careers and have the lives that they deserve.
Antavia H., Educator, LANGUAGE! Live
The Voyager Passport program is the most comprehensive program I have ever seen. I have seen tremendous growth in all of my students.
Kim W., Former Special Education Teacher, Voyager Passport
Voyager Passport takes the five reading components and hits every one of them every day. It works, and the proof is in the student success!
Candace D., Former Principal, Voyager Passport
[With Step Up to Writing] We saw a great development of the writing process, which is so vague if you don’t have a writing system, so to have tone district wide from the earliest primary grades all the way up through high school is so strong for our district.
Beth F., Principal, Step Up to Writing
It’s the best teaching strategies that give the students the knowledge, tools, rigor, and the information that they need to become academic writers.
Laurice T., Teacher
I didn’t know how to do it at first, but I remembered how the format was, because of the colors, and then I wrote the essay.
6th Grade Student, Step Up to Writing